About Me

1/31/2016 goodbyegone 0 Comments

Hi, I'm Lauren. I'm 18 years old and live in Northern Ireland. I like to write down my thoughts, hence the whole blog thing. I like to share my likes, dislikes and just everything that's on my mind. You'll find a lot of posts on here concerning university life, music and lots of lipstick.

I drink too much coffee, listen to too much country music and watch too many crime shows. At the moment, I'm either knee deep in maths equations or binge watching Once Upon A Time on Netflix. I also like Taylor Swift probably a little too much so you'll see me rave about her a lot as you read my posts.

I hope you like what I have to offer, and hopefully my blog will become as much of an outlet for you reading it as it has been for me writing it.

xo, Lauren